Solo Performances

The Four-Worlds Approach. The monologue section of exam coursework was always my least favourite. Logistically, it’s always difficult to find enough appropriate speeches that meet the length restrictions set by the exam boards, and that are suitable for the students in the class, particularly if you have a large group, and then to ensure thatContinue reading “Solo Performances”

Iambic Pentameter – When It Breaks

Instead of moving through Macbeth chronologically, as I usually do, the constant shifts between classroom and online learning have forced me to mix things around a bit. By a happy chance, this led to the session on “Iambic Pentameter” (after Duncan’s murder) coming immediately after the session on “Order and Disorder” (Banquo’s ghost), rather thanContinue reading “Iambic Pentameter – When It Breaks”

Macbeth’s Dagger Soliloquy (Part 2)

Using Round/By/Through to explore Macbeth’s state of mind. In my last post I wrote about using proxemics, focus and opposition to explore Macbeth’s dagger soliloquy with students. Today I want to take it a step further and apply a version of Frantic Assembly‘s Round/By/Through technique to it. This task works in pairs or threes, butContinue reading “Macbeth’s Dagger Soliloquy (Part 2)”

Macbeth’s Dagger Soliloquy (Part 1)

Using proxemics, focus and opposition to explore Macbeth’s state of mind. I really like this task sequence because it’s so simple and it’s really easy for the students to see the connection between what they are doing and the meaning that it creates for the audience. The sequence works both in the classroom and onlineContinue reading “Macbeth’s Dagger Soliloquy (Part 1)”